14 May 2010

Indian Currency to Word in C#

#region AmountInWords
public string AmountInWords(decimal Num)
string returnValue;
//I have created this function for converting amount in indian rupees (INR).
//You can manipulate as you wish like decimal setting, Doller (any currency) Prefix.

string strNum;
string strNumDec;
string StrWord;
strNum = Num.ToString();

if (strNum.IndexOf(".") + 1 != 0)
strNumDec = strNum.Substring(strNum.IndexOf(".") + 2 - 1);

if (strNumDec.Length == 1)
strNumDec = strNumDec + "0";
if (strNumDec.Length > 2)
strNumDec = strNumDec.Substring(0, 2);

strNum = strNum.Substring(0, strNum.IndexOf(".") + 0);
StrWord = ((double.Parse(strNum) == 1) ? " Rupee " : " Rupees ") + NumToWord((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum))) + ((double.Parse(strNumDec) > 0) ? (" and Paise" + cWord3((decimal)(double.Parse(strNumDec)))) : "");
StrWord = ((double.Parse(strNum) == 1) ? " Rupee " : " Rupees ") + NumToWord((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum)));
returnValue = StrWord + " Only";
return returnValue;
static public string NumToWord(decimal Num)
string returnValue;

//I divided this function in two part.
//1. Three or less digit number.
//2. more than three digit number.
string strNum;
string StrWord;
strNum = Num.ToString();

if (strNum.Length <= 3)
StrWord = cWord3((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum)));
StrWord = cWordG3((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(0, strNum.Length - 3)))) + " " + cWord3((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(strNum.Length - 2 - 1))));
returnValue = StrWord;
return returnValue;
static public string cWordG3(decimal Num)
string returnValue;
//2. more than three digit number.
string strNum = "";
string StrWord = "";
string readNum = "";
strNum = Num.ToString();
if (strNum.Length % 2 != 0)
readNum = System.Convert.ToString(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(0, 1)));
if (readNum != "0")
StrWord = retWord(decimal.Parse(readNum));
readNum = System.Convert.ToString(double.Parse("1" + strReplicate("0", strNum.Length - 1) + "000"));
StrWord = StrWord + " " + retWord(decimal.Parse(readNum));
strNum = strNum.Substring(1);
while (!System.Convert.ToBoolean(strNum.Length == 0))
readNum = System.Convert.ToString(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(0, 2)));
if (readNum != "0")
StrWord = StrWord + " " + cWord3(decimal.Parse(readNum));
readNum = System.Convert.ToString(double.Parse("1" + strReplicate("0", strNum.Length - 2) + "000"));
StrWord = StrWord + " " + retWord(decimal.Parse(readNum));
strNum = strNum.Substring(2);
returnValue = StrWord;
return returnValue;
static public string cWord3(decimal Num)
string returnValue;
//1. Three or less digit number.
string strNum = "";
string StrWord = "";
string readNum = "";
if (Num < 0)
Num = Num * -1;
strNum = Num.ToString();

if (strNum.Length == 3)
readNum = System.Convert.ToString(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(0, 1)));
StrWord = retWord(decimal.Parse(readNum)) + " Hundred";
strNum = strNum.Substring(1, strNum.Length - 1);

if (strNum.Length <= 2)
if (double.Parse(strNum) >= 0 && double.Parse(strNum) <= 20)
StrWord = StrWord + " " + retWord((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum)));
StrWord = StrWord + " " + retWord((decimal)(System.Convert.ToDouble(strNum.Substring(0, 1) + "0"))) + " " + retWord((decimal)(double.Parse(strNum.Substring(1, 1))));

strNum = Num.ToString();
returnValue = StrWord;
return returnValue;
static public string retWord(decimal Num)
string returnValue;
//This two dimensional array store the primary word convertion of number.
returnValue = "";
object[,] ArrWordList = new object[,] { { 0, "" }, { 1, "One" }, { 2, "Two" }, { 3, "Three" }, { 4, "Four" }, { 5, "Five" }, { 6, "Six" }, { 7, "Seven" }, { 8, "Eight" }, { 9, "Nine" }, { 10, "Ten" }, { 11, "Eleven" }, { 12, "Twelve" }, { 13, "Thirteen" }, { 14, "Fourteen" }, { 15, "Fifteen" }, { 16, "Sixteen" }, { 17, "Seventeen" }, { 18, "Eighteen" }, { 19, "Nineteen" }, { 20, "Twenty" }, { 30, "Thirty" }, { 40, "Forty" }, { 50, "Fifty" }, { 60, "Sixty" }, { 70, "Seventy" }, { 80, "Eighty" }, { 90, "Ninety" }, { 100, "Hundred" }, { 1000, "Thousand" }, { 100000, "Lakh" }, { 10000000, "Crore" } };

int i;
for (i = 0; i <= (ArrWordList.Length - 1); i++)
if (Num == System.Convert.ToDecimal(ArrWordList[i, 0]))
returnValue = (string)(ArrWordList[i, 1]);
return returnValue;
static public string strReplicate(string str, int intD)
string returnValue;
//This fucntion padded "0" after the number to evaluate hundred, thousand and on....
//using this function you can replicate any Charactor with given string.
int i;
returnValue = "";
for (i = 1; i <= intD; i++)
returnValue = returnValue + str;
return returnValue;

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